The owner wanted a long lasting, maintenance free deck so I built her a Trex plastic deck with Trex facia. My objective was to build with every effort for longevity. The joist and beam top surfaces I covered with Trex waterproofing strips to keep them dry. Will it make the wood last as long as the plastic decking? Only time will tell but certainly they will last longer than without the additional protection.
Cut ends of the decking would expose the grooves and the plastic composite which in not very attractive so a surrounding square edge frame hides the cut ends of the deck boards and returns hide the ends of stair treads, risers and railing caps.
Cable railings are stainless steel and provide a better view of the beautiful woods surrounding the yard than other railing options.
Some of the building process.
The beam.
Ledger and beam in place.
Ready to haul away the old stairs.
The new deck taking shape.
Double return stair treads.
Screw holes covered by Trex plugs.
Dog and human access after a couple days of having to use the front door.
Trex delivery by electic car and trailer.
Heavy load!
The first of the Trex decking.
Cutting the Trex to length.
Curving the boards this way made them flat at the saw blade.
The completed steps.
The finish narrow piece waiting for more support before attaching it.
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