Category: Decks

Wheelchair Ramp

Lower Ramp
Though my company was not hired for this job, Paul, who designs and builds wheelchair ramps on a volunteer basis… Read more

Deck Support Rebuild

First 2 Piers
This deck suffered from inadequate support. Sturdy 6x6s rested on decaying concrete piers that also seemed too shallow because the… Read more

The Great Wall

Originally the owner of The Great Wall solely wanted to remove old siding on the back of a porch addition (the name refers to the shed roof addition that originally was built as a porch) that ran the length of the house and re-side with vinyl to match the rest of the house. There were extras like cutting off pool shaped contours of the deck where there was no longer a pool. Also splash from the roof had obviously rotted part of the wall adjacent to the deck so there was at least some repair work on the schedule.

Dog Gates and Fence

Gate The homeowner wanted to prepare for a new puppy with a gate on the deck and fencing a narrow… Read more

Night Shot of Bridge and Christmas Lights

bridge with lights

A night shot of the new bridge railing decorated with Christmas lights. I added this photo to the pervious post where you can see all the photos from the project in a window filling slide show.

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