An interesting project involved repairing the ends of stair treads that were damaged by a dog chewing them. Treads themselves were damaged but rather than getting into the banister and spindles the owner specified I cut out the damage and glue in new pieces. Molding fitted below the treads was also damaged and needed replacing as well. Also 6 returns on the end of the treads needed to be replaced. Woodworker, Douglas Martin Furniture, prepared the pieces for me.
Cutting out the damaged portion of the treads required some careful cutting with a hand saw. Once assembled the new pieces were sanded to blend them with the existing wood. Floor finishers coated the wood which blended the new with the old even more. Here’s the gallery.
- Dog damage to these beautiful stairs.
- What a mess…
- Carpeting had to come off to gain access to the treads.
- The outer edge was nailed on and easy to removed but the front edge had to be hand sawed out.
- New pieces installed and blended by sanding.
- A much better look.
- Ready for finish.
- Finish applied.
- MIters of tread pieces and trim molding.
- Looking down on the finished patches.
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