A friend asked me to check out this roof and provide an estimate to repair it. The main roof looked okay and with no complaints of leaks there I recommended replacing one rotten porch rafter and two sheathing boards. This was what was visible without removing the roof and I mentioned in rot cases that there is usually more than can be seen. We also found a porch floor plank that needed replacing. All in all, my suggestion of repairing only the porch roof would address the immediate problem and spread out the re-roofing expense over time by postponing roofing the main roof. Extra expense would have been required in using Grace Ice and Water Shield underlayment because the porch roof was such a shallow pitch but the owner had almost enough left over from a previous building project to cover the entire porch.
As the roof was removed there was considerably more rot revealed resulting in 5 rafters needing replacement as well as 1/4 of the roof sheathing boards.
The owners wanted new sky light panels to replace old corrugated fiberglass ones that were showing their age. The new plastic ones promised to be more transparent and secure if we use special mounting accessories. Primarily, I cut three cross pieces for each skylight that greatly aided in supporting the panels when they would be covered with snow. The mounting accessories would help maintain the corrugated profile and allow fasteners on top of the ribs for greater water resistance. Normally I insist on washered screws installed in the bottom of the corrugations so the washers could be squeezed tightly against the roofing but the manufacturer specified top of the ribs and not screwed tight to allow for expansion. See photos in the gallery below.
- The owner checks out the old skylights which are made of fiberglass and held on with nails. The contoured flashing was not something we were able to duplicate but horizontal closure stips we found did the job and added support for the contour 3 new horizontal supports.
- The owner is indicating the roof edge is angled. This more easily seen in later photos looking straight down at the angle.
- A tree had fallen on this part of the roof and broke some boards.
- Getting underway.
- Shiny part is water between the layers. Not a good sign.
- Roofing is all off here.
- Knot holes were patched with aluminum flashing.
- With sheathing boards removed, 5 rafters were revealed as rotted.
- No vehicle traffic to the cabin required this wheelbarrow as a means to move tools and materials into the cabin.
- These were carried in.
- This was our only source of power.
- View of the porch with no rafters or any sign of a roof.
- This staging plank enabled me to access the ends of the rafters.
- This saw was used to fabricate the rafters to the correct dimensions.
- Four common rafters and one longer for the angled end rafter.
- Note the longer rafter required compound cuts.
- Spiking down the last rafter.
- Chainsaw marks indicaste this board was made by the owner from his own woods.
- By sunset the ice and water shield had been installed.
The skylight replacement can be seen in the next gallery.
- Just removing the panels showered the interior with pine needles.
- Note the old panels were stiffer and had escaped caving in their entire life even with this minimal support.
- One set of panels in place. One drill gun for drilling holes and an impact driver for driving screws.
- I used these at top and bottom as well as on each purlin to provide additional support and rigidity.
- A closer look.
- For right and left edges we used the old wooden closures with a foam sealing strip on top.
- Everyone who looked at them from here thought they looked wider than the old ones. They are certainly brighter.
- When the new main roof is installed only the right and left edges will need to be unscrewed.
Finally there were a few more roof problems to solve on the outbuildings. We just covered what was there with metal roofing that was on hand.
- Metal roofing added.
- Perhaps this will help get another year or two out of the outhouse.
- The outhouse is at the end of it’s life so it got the lower quality metal roofing.
Thank, thanks, thanks for such professional work on a challenging(!) job! You earned every penny and more!